Huanxiu Bridge, A Timeless Vista of Serene Waters and Rustic Charm

One of the many stone bridges in Xitang


It is said that Huanxiu Bridge was built during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that on a clear day, standing on the bridge can overlook the green mountains on the edge of Taihu Lake. There is a couplet on the bridge that describes two ways to cross the bridge. Huanxiu Bridge connects Yanyu Corridor and bustling West Street, and is also a must-pass road from the corridor to Shipin Lane. Whether it's sunny, rainy or at night, standing on the top of the bridge and enjoying the scenery of the water town, you can see layers of gray walls and white tiles, two rows of large red lanterns hanging high, and black awning boats swaying with the waves in the river, which is so beautiful that one cannot help but think about it.
Opening hours
All day (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
Walking distance within the ancient town.