Confucian Forest Road, Snacks are also specialty stores frequented by locals in the area.

"Rulin Road, Xixiu District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province"
Snacks are also specialty stores frequented by locals in the area.


To experience the atmosphere of old Anshun, go to Rulin Road. This century-old street still retains its smooth bluestone pavement and is lined with many wooden tile houses from the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. The shops along the street are all old-fashioned snack shops, creating a vibrant local atmosphere. The old street is also one of the filming locations for the movie "Our Time Will Come". In recent years, it has undergone renovation and reconstruction as a historical district, undergoing a transition from old to new.
"Rulin Road, Xixiu District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province"
Opening hours
All day (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)