Longtan Waterfall Group, Majestic Waterfalls Amidst Verdant Splendor

Jinggangshan Scenic Area, north of Ciping, Jinggangshan City, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province
The waterfall is beautiful


There is a place in Jinggang Mountains called Longtan, which is known as "Five Pools and Eighteen Waterfalls" and is very beautiful. Here, you can enjoy the steep canyon, fresh breeze, and five majestic waterfalls and deep pools - Biyu, Jinsuo, Pearl, Feifeng, and Xiannu. These waterfalls form a step-by-step cascading structure, with water flowing down and steep cliffs, making the scenery very magnificent. If you observe carefully, you will find that the five pools of Biyu, Jinsuo, Pearl, Feifeng, and Xiannu are all very clear, the trees cover the sun, the cliffs are as smooth as being cut out, and the foot of the cliff is full of strange rocks, and the river bank is full of lush vegetation. Standing at a high place to enjoy these five waterfalls, you will feel as if you are in a dream, with beautiful scenery that is breathtaking and intoxicating.
Jinggangshan Scenic Area, north of Ciping, Jinggangshan City, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province
Opening hours
8:00-17:00 (The scenic area is temporarily closed due to weather conditions, and the specific opening time is subject to the announcement of the scenic area.)