Yuantong Ancient Town, Take a moment to quietly appreciate the charm of the ancient town.

Yuantong Town, Chongzhou City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province


Located in the northwest of Chengdu, Yuantong ancient town is about 61 kilometers away from Chengdu. The ancient city was built in the Jin Dynasty and has a history of more than 1600 years. The convergence of the Wenjin River, Wei River, and Bo River flows through the entire territory of Yuantong, once serving as a major port on the Wenjin River. It was once prosperous and became a famous ancient town in southwest China. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, it was already known as the "Thousand-Year Little Chengdu".
Yuantong Town, Chongzhou City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Opening hours
24 hours a day (January 1-December 31, Monday-Sunday)
Purchase a ticket from the Cha Dianzi Bus Station to Yuan Tong, and take the Chengdu to Huaiyuan bus with a ticket price of 14 yuan and a travel time of about 1 hour, with a fare of 13 yuan (this is the cheapest and quickest way). Alternatively, you can take a sedan from the Cha Dianzi Bus Station to Chongzhou with a fare of 19 yuan and a travel time of about half an hour, then purchase a ticket to Yuan Tong at the Chongzhou Bus Station, and take the 306 bus to the Yuan Tong Bridge.