Guanshan, A serene escape with lush greenery and historic charm

2 Guanshan Road, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


The Guanshan Park is famous for its reputation as a cultural mountain in eastern China. This beautiful small mountain stretches in the Fuchun River area and is formed by sedimentary rocks. Originally known as Shitou Mountain, a Taoist temple called Guanshan was built on its peak during the Eastern Wu period. Later, the temple was renamed Guanshan because the shape of a rock at its foothill resembled a crane drinking water. The park also houses a historical figure shrine dedicated to the Dong family, called the Donggong Shrine, in honor of Dong Bangda and Dong Juo, who served during the Yongzheng, Qianlong, and Jiaqing dynasties and were distinguished representatives of high positions, artistic achievements, and exemplary conduct in Fuyang's history. The iconic building of Guanshan is the "First Building of the Spring River," also known as the "Spring River Building." According to records, the Spring River Building originally had three floors, but it was destroyed by war during the Xianfeng period of the Qing dynasty. It was rebuilt during the Tongzhi period and became a two-story building. The building now seen was rebuilt in 1964 and is more exquisite and elegant. The plaque in the center of the building with the words "First Building of the Spring River" was written by the contemporary famous calligrapher Sha Menghai. The Mountain-Water-Humanity Museum is located on the top of Guanshan and exhibits the natural and cultural history of Fuyang.
2 Guanshan Road, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
09:00-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 17:30 (Monday-Thursday, from January 1 to December 31)
09:00-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Friday-Saturday, from January 1 to December 31)
all day (Sunday, from January 1 to December 31).
Take Line 6 to Exit C of Guihuaxi Road Station and walk about 2 minutes to the intersection of Hengliangting Road and Jinqiao North Road. Take bus 601 to Guanshan Park Station.

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