Friend circle material: 7 new free internet famous photo spots in Hangzhou

Each journey has a destination. You live in a bustling city, and there is another way of life waiting for you at your destination.

Xihu District, Zhuantang "Little Iceland"

The film captures a desolate and windy landscape, with clear and cold lake water. If you look closely, you can even see a small boat submerged in the water. The entire "little Iceland" gives a feeling of endless desolation, with only the colorful signage providing some contrast. It can produce many great shots.

Upper City District, Yaku's West Lake Viewpoint

Able to capture the coolest cinematic shots, this internet-famous spot on the third floor of adidas has recently become popular. Many internet celebrities are taking photos here. It is located near in77 with a row of floor-to-ceiling windows! You can see LV on the opposite side at a glance, and there are zigzag zebra crossings outside, giving it a quite modern vibe.

Yuhang District · Large roof with frigid style

The dark and gloomy Fairy's heart is captivated by this beautiful architecture by the famous Japanese architect and Pritzker Prize laureate, Tadao Ando. Its roof is particularly eye-catching, earning it the nickname "Big Roof". In spring, there are cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers, and in summer, there is a market. Throughout the year, the Xiao Bookstore exudes a scholarly atmosphere, and there are also dark and mysterious photos taken randomly.

Binjiang District, a large urban architectural area, is known as Hangzhou's landmark

Hangzhou also has landmark buildings, but the most famous one is the Hallmark of Hangzhou. It is quite stunning to stand on the rooftop of the Starlight Avenue across from it and take photos with it as the backdrop.

Upper City District - "Asia Express" carriage

Mysteriously abandoned carriage, capturing the beauty of decadence. This abandoned carriage, which turns particularly red in the summer, is widely talked about online. It is not difficult to find the "Asia Express" at the Shanghai Railway Staff Training Base, but it requires crossing mountains and hills.

West Lake District· The most photogenic free museum

Can create an advanced royal court style. The China Silk Museum is renowned for its grand staircase! The spiral staircase resembles flowing white silk, while the round dome has wooden beams dividing it into sections that allow the sunlight to stream in, creating a particularly charming effect.

Binjiang District · Quirky Graffiti Wall

Cool girls are suitable for taking cool photos. There are also wire mesh, gears, and other designs on site, which can capture a strong industrial style in the photos.