Eight Banners Guild Hall

Simatai Village, Gubei Water Town Scenic Area, GuBeikou Town, Miyun County, Beijing City


The Eight Banners Assembly is located at the end of HuiGuan Street in the scenic area. GuBeiKou was once the place where the Zhenghuang Banner of the Qing Dynasty was stationed. The Assembly was built by the stationed soldiers and is a historical proof of the Eight Banners' presence at GuBeiKou. The main exhibition in the Eight Banners Assembly showcases the Eight Banners system and Manchu culture. Through exhibition halls such as the Military Council, the Central Army Hall, the Reception Hall, the Wedding Hall, the Encyclopedia Corridor, the Residence, and the Martial Arts Training Ground, you can experience the military style and lifestyle of the Eight Banners soldiers.
Simatai Village, Gubei Water Town Scenic Area, GuBeikou Town, Miyun County, Beijing City
Opening hours
09:00-17:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)
Bus: Take the special line to Gubei Water Town or the No.51 bus to Gubei Water Town Station and walk to the destination.