Swan Lake National Urban Wetland Park, Thousands of tundra swans migrate during the winter season every year.

209 National Road, Shaanzhou District, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province (West of Jinchang Overpass)
Thousands of tundra swans migrate during the winter season every year.


From late October to March of the following year, hundreds of white swans will arrive at Swan Lake in the Wetland Park to roost and spend the winter. These clean and beautiful birds blend with the emerald water of the Yellow River, in harmony with the lush loess plateau, creating a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence. This also makes Sanmenxia City known as the "City of Swans" and an important part of the boutique tourism route in Henan's "Three Points and One Line". Each year, tourists and photography enthusiasts flock here from all over the country, and Swan Lake has become one of the most popular domestic bases for taking pictures of white swans. The main attractions of the park include Zhougong Island, Zhaogong Island, Sanhe Square, Yingxiang Pavilion, Peony Garden, Green Dragon Lake, Canglong Lake, etc. The Wetland Park has different scenery in each season, allowing you to experience different feelings and experiences in every trip. The different characteristics of the four seasons in this city's backyard will bring you different visual feasts every year.
209 National Road, Shaanzhou District, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province (West of Jinchang Overpass)
Opening hours
08:00-18:00 (All day) (January 1- December 31, Monday-Sunday)