Zhenyuan Ancient Town, A serene ancient town with vibrant nightscapes

21 Xinglong Street, Zhenyuan County, Southeast Guizhou Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province
The places in ancient towns are always very cheerful


Since the establishment of the county in the fifth year of Emperor Han Gaozu, Zhenyuan has a history of more than 2200 years and is the oldest historic city on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The Yang River runs through Zhenyuan in an S-shape, forming a Bagua pattern, which is why the region is also known as the Bagua Ancient Town. Zhenyuan is formed by three streets connected end to end, with numerous inns, restaurants, and shops along both sides, and every kind of specialty food is available. To the west of the ancient town is a new bridge, and to the east is a landmark building, the Zhusheng Bridge, which locals refer to as the old bridge. You can also climb Shiping Mountain to overlook the entire ancient city and the Yang River scenery. Zhenyuan's most attractive feature is its night view, which is the city's biggest highlight.
21 Xinglong Street, Zhenyuan County, Southeast Guizhou Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province
Opening hours
08:00-16:30 (full day)
last admission time: 16:00 (Monday to Sunday from January 1st to December 31st)
Take a train from Guiyang to Zhenyuan, the journey is about 4 hours. After getting off at Zhenyuan bus station or train station, take bus No.1/2/3/4/5 to Agricultural Bank bus stop and walk about 230 meters to reach the destination.