Jinshuitai Lotus Hot Spring

Jinshuitai Hot Spring in Shuitai Town, Xinxing County, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province


There is a fairyland in the sky with Yao Terrace, a blessed land of Zen called Jinshuitai. Jinshuitai Hot Spring Resort is located at the intersection of Xinxing County in Guangdong and Kaiping City, Gaoming City, Heshan City, and Yunfu City. Jinshuitai Hot Spring has a beautiful environment and complete entertainment facilities, including a high-class ballroom, health center, football field, basketball court, tennis court, outdoor training base, etc.
Jinshuitai Hot Spring in Shuitai Town, Xinxing County, Yunfu City, Guangdong Province
Opening hours
09:00-23:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
Starting from Zhaoqing: Zhaoqing-S273-Xijiang Bridge-Gaoyao City-Baitu-Genglou-Shuanghe Highway-Jinshuitai Hot Spring