Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River (Shaanxi side), Majestic Yellow River, a natural wonder

Yanhu Road, Hukou Town, Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province
The waterfall is particularly spectacular


Hukou Waterfall is a shining pearl embedded on the meandering Yellow River. The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation and the only golden waterfall in the world. "It originates from the Kunlun Mountains and the Jade Gate collects it in a pot with nine turns." The Yellow River flows through the Yellow Plateau and enters the Qin-Jin Gorge. The riverbed suddenly shrinks to about 40-50 meters, like a giant pot pouring soup, hence the name. At 5 pm every day, the 45-minute performance "Yellow River Chorus" starts on time at the Hukou Waterfall Scenic Area in Shaanxi. It is divided into 4 chapters, where visitors can experience local folk culture and the spirit of the anti-Japanese revolution and red culture. Gudu Town was once prosperous during the Ming and Qing dynasties and was a distribution center for boat commerce on the Hukou River, along with Dongxi Longwangtan, known as "Sangjindu," which is famous with Fenglingdu downstream. Nowadays, visitors can watch the unique cave-dwelling buildings on the Loess Plateau, taste local specialties, and experience the rich cultural atmosphere of ancient history at Gudu Town.
Yanhu Road, Hukou Town, Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (Monday-Sunday, October 1-March 31 of the following year) 07:30-18:30 (Monday-Sunday, April 1-September 30) Tips: *The above information is for reference only, please refer to the daily announcement of the scenic spot for specific details.
Route to Hukou Waterfall: 1. Xi'an/Yan'an - Hukou Waterfall 2. Yan'an - Hukou Waterfall By bus: From Xi'an to Hukou: Option 1: Take a direct bus from Xi'an Fangzhicheng Bus Station to Hukou Waterfall, which takes about 5 hours. or take a detour to Yichuan before heading to Hukou Waterfall. After arriving in Yichuan, find a shared car for about 30 yuan/person to the scenic area. The journey from Yichuan to the scenic area takes about 40 minutes. The ticket price to Yichuan is about 97.5 yuan/103.5 yuan/110.5 yuan. This route is suitable for people with a relatively flexible schedule or those who can stay overnight. Option 2: Take a bus from Chengbei Bus Station to Hukou Waterfall. There is one bus daily, which costs about 99.5 yuan and takes about 5 hours. From Yan'an to Hukou: Yan'an South Bus Station has direct buses to Hukou Waterfall, which takes about 3 hours. Please note that after about 1 hour and 20 minutes of departure, the bus will pass by Nanniwan Exhibition Hall, where the bus will stop for 15 minutes, and you can get off and take photos.