Yan'an - Unlock Popular Attractions

The rushing Yellow River, the warm in winter and cool in summer cave dwellings, the passionate Shaanbei folk songs, the bubbling sheep offal soup, these are all unique marks of Shaanbei people. Yan'an, not only carries profound red memories, but also brings together all the characteristics of the people of Shaanbei. That's also the reason why countless people come here from afar!

The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is the burial place of the legendary ancestor of the Chinese nation, Emperor Huangdi. It consists primarily of the Xuanyuan Temple and the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum. Every year in September according to the lunar calendar, a grand ancestral ceremony called the "Ancestor Worship Ceremony" is held here, attracting many overseas Chinese who come from far and wide to trace their roots and pay respects to their ancestors. The scene is magnificent.
Nanxiwan, located on the Xi'an-Huangdi Mausoleum-Yan'an-Nanniwan-Hukou Waterfall-Xi'an tourist loop in Shaanxi Province, is one of the tourist attractions in Yan'an. A hundred years ago, this place had sparse population, abundant water sources, fertile land, and prosperous production and economy. In the mid-Qing Dynasty, the ruling Qing government instigated conflicts between the Hui and Han ethnic groups, resulting in a desolate wilderness overgrown with weeds and thorns, rarely visited by people and plagued by wild animals. In March 1941, the Eighth Route Army's 359th Brigade launched the famous Great Production Movement in Nanniwan. The spirit of Nanniwan is an important part of the Yan'an spirit, its self-reliance and spirit of striving for progress inspiring generations of Chinese people to overcome difficulties and achieve victory.

Hukou Waterfall

The Yellow River has ninety-nine bends, and when it reaches Hukou, the riverbed narrows rapidly. Hukou, resembling the mouth of a teapot, gets its name from this. At this moment, I am extremely excited, as the thunderous roar of Hukou is already astounding me. Hukou Waterfall is a famous waterfall on the Yellow River in China, symbolizing the spirit of the Chinese nation with its turbulent momentum. It is located east of Jixian County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, and west of Hukou Township, Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province. It is approximately a 5-6 hour drive from Taiyuan and a little over 2 hours from Xi'an. At this point, the Yellow River is flanked by steep cliffs, and the river mouth narrows like a teapot spout, hence the name Hukou Waterfall. The waterfall has a drop of 9 meters and contains abundant water resources. Hukou Waterfall is the second largest waterfall in China and the largest yellow waterfall in the world.

Wave Valley

Longzhou Danxia landform is called "Red Sand Mound" by locals and later referred to as "Wave Valley" by some photography enthusiasts. It has certain differences from the Wave Valley in Arizona. I noticed that the Wave Valley in Arizona has white lines added between the red colors, creating a red and white alternating pattern, while the Wave Valley in Jingbian is predominantly red. This red rock is academically referred to as "danxia sandstone".
Tongwan City is located in Baichengzi Village, Hongdunjie, 58 kilometers north of Jingbian County, Yulin, Shaanxi. It is the remains of the capital city of the Daxia Kingdom established by the noble Heduobei of the Southern Xiongnu during the Western Jin Dynasty. It is the only remaining Xiongnu capital city site in human history and is the earliest and most famous capital city site in northern China, with a history of nearly 1,600 years. It was completed in 413 AD and finished in 418 AD, transformed from the Han Sheyan City. Later, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty unified the north, conquered Tongwan City, and established Tongwan Garrison. Located in Baichengzi Village, Hongdunjie Township, 58 kilometers north of Jingbian County, it is called Baichengzi by the locals because the city walls are white. It is also named Hedian City after Heduobei who built it.