Qingyan Temple Scenic Area, A spiritual sanctuary amidst breathtaking nature

717 County Road, Beizhen City, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
At the mountaintop, there is an altar for the twisted-neck old mother who can grant wishes


Qingyan Temple Scenic Area is the most popular temple in Beizhen City, and it is also a famous Buddhist holy land in Liaoxi and Northeast China. In the Daxiong Baodian, you can see vivid Buddha statues such as Sakyamuni and Nanshai Dash, each with their own unique expressions. In addition, the natural scenery in the mountain area is beautiful, with Luohan Mountain peaks and charming Lover's Pine trees, interesting Couple Stones, and breathtaking views such as the Dragon Drinking Gorge, the One-Line Sky, and the T-shaped Waterfall. Climbing up the Zhangying Tower and looking around, the scenery is even more charming.
717 County Road, Beizhen City, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
08:30-15:30 (all day)
Last admission time: 15:30 (Monday-Sunday, March 16 to December 31)
Qingyan Temple Scenic Area is located on 717 County Road in Changxingdian Town, Beizhen City, Jinzhou City.