Zanda Earth Forest National Geopark, Awe-inspiring natural sculpture garden

Zanda County, Ali Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region (located between the Gangdise Mountains and the Himalayas)
A magnificent geological landscape phenomenon


There is a place called Zhada Tulin in Ali Zhada County, which was formed by the geological evolution of ancient lakes and rivers over millions of years. The Tulin covers an area of hundreds of kilometers and contains high and low "trees" with various shapes, as well as early human cave sites. Experts have confirmed that over a million years ago, this was a large lake with a circumference of over 500 kilometers. After the Himalayan orogeny, the basin gradually rose and the water level decreased, gradually forming shapes and heights similar to buildings. After hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, Zhada Tulin presents a clear and magical spectacle. Seen from a distance, it is magnificent and shining, like a mythological world under the light and shadow of the plateau. Up close, you can see the Tulin surrounding the banks of the Xiangquan River, with ingenious designs like majestic temples, imposing towers, grand Buddha pagodas, and even luxurious buildings like ancient palaces or European castles, as well as countless natural wonders.
Zanda County, Ali Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region (located between the Gangdise Mountains and the Himalayas)
Opening hours
8:00am-5:00pm (all day)
Last entry time: 5:00pm (Mon-Sun, Jan 1-Dec 31)
Departing from Shiquanhe, it usually costs around 2000-3000 yuan to charter a car round-trip to Zanda. Along the Raga Highway going south, you will drive 225 kilometers into the Shiquanhe Valley and reach the Zanda County in about 12 hours. If you are traveling from the north of Mt. Kailash or continuing south after leaving Zanda, you may consider getting off at Namuka (or Nabra) which is 136 kilometers away from Shiquanhe, and then take another car to Zanda. However, there are not many cars going to Zanda, and you may need to stay at the local hostels, which are only made up of several adobe houses on the wasteland.