Cuiping Lake

26 Dongmen Road, Gu Tian County, Ningde City, Fujian Province


Cuiping Lake is located in the eastern suburbs of Guting County. It is 3 kilometers away from the city center. Cuiping Lake has a subtropical climate, with vast waves, fresh air, and spring-like seasons all year round. The water area of Cuiping Lake covers an area of 37.1 square kilometers, with a water storage capacity of 641 million cubic meters. The water quality is clear and meets the national secondary standard. There are 36 large and small islands in Cuiping Lake, standing across the water. Along the lake, there is the internationally recognized "Shuntian Holy Mother" Chen Jinggu Ancestral Temple, which has been listed as a provincial-level cultural relic protection unit by the provincial government.
26 Dongmen Road, Gu Tian County, Ningde City, Fujian Province
Opening hours
8:00-16:30, opening hours may vary by season, please consult the scenic area for details.