Wuyun Mountain Tea Park

Wuyunshan Village, Hongshan Town, Yingshan County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province


Wuyun Mountain Tea Park is located 1.5 kilometers north of Yingshan County, with a total area of 1.8 square kilometers. It currently has a population of 890 people, 256 households, and 25 natural dikes. The cultivated land covers an area of 440 mu, while the tea plantation covers 450 mu and the water area covers 180 mu. The park is surrounded by mountains with beautiful scenery and is known for the Wuyun Temple approved for external Buddhist activities. Other attractions include the "Hanging Immortal" formed naturally on the cliff, the intriguing "Wuyun Red Marks" and "Qinxin Basin," as well as the newly built "Hundred Bamboo Gardens," "Hundred Herb Gardens," "Hundred Fruit Gardens," "Water Tea House," "Water Park," "Tea Pavilion," and "Greenhouse Tea Plantation Base."
Wuyunshan Village, Hongshan Town, Yingshan County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province
Opening hours