Nanshan Scenic Area, A Serene Green Haven in the South

Changle Town, Shaozhou City, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province
The scenery is quite beautiful


Nanshan Scenic Area is located in the southwest of Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Hunan Province, covering an area of 199 square kilometers, with the theme of Nanshan Ranch. Nanshan Ranch is the largest modern mountain ranch in southern China, spanning 48 kilometers east-west and 63 kilometers north-south, with an average altitude of 1760 meters. The area has a mild climate, abundant rainfall, and undulating terrain, forming 48 streams and 48 ping fields on the surface. The ecological conditions are superior, and the animal and plant resources are abundant. The 133 square kilometers of grassland form a magnificent and spectacular green ocean map spanning over a hundred miles, showing the beautiful scenery of the southern grassland, known as the "Hulunbuir of the South" and the "New Zealand of China." Nanshan Scenic Area is dominated by the grasslands of the southern high mountain plateau, encompassing rich natural landscapes such as canyons, cliffs, strange rocks, native vegetation, waterfalls, lakes, and mysterious fog. It is magnificent and unique. The area has five major scenic spots including Ziyang Peak, Laoshanjie, Maoping Lake, Jiaolong Cave, and Nanshan Peak. It is a natural grassland park that combines tourism, recuperation, summer resort, and exploration.
Changle Town, Shaozhou City, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours
All day (365 days a year, Monday to Sunday)
Bus: From Chengbu Bus Station to Nanshanxia. Note: Nanshan Scenic Area is far from Chengbu County and it is recommended to drive there.