Zhexi Grand Canyon - Jianmenguan

Longgang Town, Lin'an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, located within the Zhejiang Western Grand Canyon in Daxiagu Village


Jianmenguan in the West Zhejiang Grand Canyon is the main attraction. Five towering rock peaks block the Changbei Creek, forming a "closed gate". On both sides of the mountains, there are a pair of sword-shaped rocks, known as "Jianmen"; on one side of Jianmen Ridge is a sloping ground, which is the gold panning field; on the other side are a group of cliffs arranged from high to low. There are observation platforms and gold panning pavilions on the cliffs.
Longgang Town, Lin'an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, located within the Zhejiang Western Grand Canyon in Daxiagu Village