Weiyuan County Baling Bridge Park

Wei Yuan County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, on the Qingyuan River


Baling Bridge, which was originally built in the early years of the Ming Hongwu period as a flat bridge, was named Baling Bridge because of the phrase "the Wei River winds around Chang'an, winds around Baling, and the Baling Bridge has jade railing". In the eighth year of the Republic of China, a pure wooden structure deck arch bridge was built in imitation of the "Wu Bridge" on the Leitan River in Lanzhou, starting from the south gate of the county town. It was reconstructed in August 1934. After completion, many famous people left inscriptions. Later, it underwent several rescuing and restoration projects to preserve its original form. It is the only pure wooden beam arch bridge of its kind in the country.
Wei Yuan County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, on the Qingyuan River
Opening hours
24/7 (January 1st to December 31st, Monday to Sunday)