Han Dynasty Great Wall ruins, A testament to the grandeur of history

"In the northwest desert of Dunhuang city, Jiuquan city, Gansu province (west of Yumen Pass)."
The Great Wall in the desert Gobi


The Great Wall of Han Dynasty was first built in the second year of Emperor Wu of Han's reign in YuanShui (121BC) and completed in the fourth year of Taichu (101BC). It stretches over 1,000 kilometers from Wanyuandun in Dunhuang to Ningxia, passing through landmarks such as Shule River, Yumenguan, Datong and Jiayuguan. The Great Wall of Han Dynasty is an important part of the complete military defense system of the Han Dynasty in Hexi and the historical epitome of the entire defense project in northern China. Despite centuries of erosion, it still stands in the desert and is one of the best-preserved sections of the Great Wall.
"In the northwest desert of Dunhuang city, Jiuquan city, Gansu province (west of Yumen Pass)."
Opening hours
08:00-18:00 (all day)
last entry at 18:00 (Monday to Sunday, January 1st to December 31st)
Belongs to the Dunhuang West Route Tour, renting a car for one day on the West Route costs about 450-550 yuan.