Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall, A Monument to Revolutionary Heroism

380 Zhongshan Road, Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
Built in memory of the Nanchang Uprising on August 1st


The building has a silver-gray appearance, is in the shape of the Chinese character "hui", and has four floors facing south. It was formerly known as the Jiangxi Grand Hotel, built in 1922 and completed in 1924. The building combines Chinese and Western styles, with cement relief decorations on the doors and windows in Western style. There is also a large courtyard inside the building, containing four fire-prevention water tanks, which reflects the unique charm of traditional Chinese architecture. At 2am on August 1, 1927, a gunshot woke up the whole country, and the Nanchang Uprising began the armed struggle of the Chinese revolution. The Secretary of the CCP's Front Committee, Zhou Enlai, the Commander-in-Chief of the Uprising, He Long, the Commander of the Front, Ye Ting, the Chief of Staff of the Third Army Officer Education Team, Zhu De, and the Chief of the Military Advisory Team, Liu Bocheng, led more than 20,000 people against the Kuomintang reactionary forces, and fired the first shot of the anti-revolutionary war. This uprising marked the beginning of the Communist Party of China taking over the armed struggle and opened a new era for the People's Army. In order to commemorate this history, the government established the Nanchang August 1st Uprising Memorial Hall on the site of the former command post in 1956.
380 Zhongshan Road, Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
Opening hours
09:00-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 16:30 (Tuesday-Sunday from January 1 to December 31) all day (Monday from January 1 to December 31)
You can take bus No. 205, No. 229, or No. 830 to Xi Ma Chi Station, and walk to the destination.

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