Mount Emei's Ninety-Nine Bends, A challenging trek with enchanting scenic beauty

Emei Mountain Scenic Area in Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province starts at Lingxiao Pavilion and ends at Shouxing Bridge
Ninety-nine turns is a famous dangerous slope on Mount Emei


The section from Lingxiao Pavilion to Shouxing Bridge is known as one of the most challenging parts of hiking on Mount Emei, with winding paths and steep slopes that seem endless. However, if you have enough strength to tackle such steep hills, you will be able to enjoy the unique and charming scenery of this section, with various rare plants covering both sides of the road, forming a green corridor of Mount Emei.
Emei Mountain Scenic Area in Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province starts at Lingxiao Pavilion and ends at Shouxing Bridge
Opening hours
07:00-16:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
External transportation to Mount Emei [Transportation within the scenic area] The 99-turns road starts at Lingxiao Pavilion and ends at Shouxing Bridge. Visitors need to walk within the scenic area.