Juehua Island, A pristine island escape with fresh air and seafood delights

North Village, Juhua Street Office, Juehua Island, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
The scenery on the island is still pretty good


Juhua Island is the largest island in Liaodong Bay and is famous for its beautiful mountains, ancient towering trees, and known as the "Northern Buddha Island". It is often described as "the Mount Putuo in the South and the Juehua Island in the North" due to its beauty. In addition to Juhua Island, there are also Changshan Island and Yanshan Island in the south and Mopan Mountain in the north, forming a magnificent landscape with the big and three small islands.
North Village, Juhua Street Office, Juehua Island, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday, from April 25th to October 31st)
Juehua Island is located in the sea 10 kilometers southeast of Xingcheng and 9 kilometers away from the beach. It takes about 50 minutes to reach from the seaside. Boat tour: Boarding from the boat dock on the north side of Xinghai Park, it takes only 40 minutes to get there.