Xingcheng Ancient City, A preserved Ming dynasty fortress with vibrant night views

Ancient City Street, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
Every ancient city has its own characteristics


This city is one of China's top ten ancient cities, and it is the only one that has preserved a complete square-shaped defensive wall. There are four gates on the wall facing the four cardinal directions, with a bell tower and drum tower standing at the center of the city. Outside the gates, there is a semi-circular moat, and at each corner of the wall stands a cannon platform. In addition, this city features five major attractions, including "city, spring, mountain, sea, and island," making it one of the representative areas for tourism in northern coastal China. Visitors can also visit other attractions such as Xingcheng Confucian Temple, City God Temple, General's Mansion, Zhou Family Mansion, and Xingcheng Museum, which are among the oldest temples, mansions and museums in the three northeastern provinces.
Ancient City Street, Xingcheng City, Huludao City, Liaoning Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 15:00 (Monday-Sunday, April 15-October 15) 08:00-16:00 (all day)
last entry time: 14:00 (Monday-Sunday, October 16-next year April 14)
Bus: You can take Xingcheng 1, Xingcheng 2, Xingcheng 2 (Bingjia) interval, Xingcheng 3, or Xingcheng 9 bus to Gucheng Nanguan Station and walk to your destination. Train route: Take the train from Shenyang to Xingcheng, and walk east for about 10 minutes from Xingcheng Railway Station.