Sekagutotera Temple, Originally a Gelug-pa monastery

"Southern part of Sêrxüang Town, Lhoka (Shannan) Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region"


"Serhak Guto" means "Nine-story Castle of Prince Jian" in Tibetan, funded and built by the famous Tibetan Buddhist master Marpa. Originally a Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhist monastery, the monastery later converted to the Kagyu sect. The central part of the monastery has a 9-story tower that is 28m high, with a golden roof. The walls of the Du Kang main hall on the west side of the castle are adorned with murals spanning from the 11th century to the present. There is also a two-column esoteric hall in the west, with various esoteric deity statues inside.
"Southern part of Sêrxüang Town, Lhoka (Shannan) Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region"
Traveling from the land of colors.