Xiaohaituo Mountain, A paradise for camping and stargazing

West Dazhuangke Village, Zhangshanying Town, Yanqing District, Beijing (located at the northern border of Zhangshanying Town, Yanqing District, Beijing and Chicheng County, Hebei Province)
It is said that the sea of clouds over there is very beautiful


The Haituo Mountain Nature Reserve is located in the southwest of Chicheng County, Hebei Province, adjacent to the south of Beijing, west of Zhangjiakou, and east of Chengde City. The total area is 11,224.9 hectares, with the highest peak Haituo Mountain reaching an altitude of 2241 meters, the highest peak in the Northern Beijing area. It is about 130 kilometers away from Beijing and can be reached by crossing the Badaling and passing through Yanqing County. The Haituo Mountain ridge is the boundary between Chicheng County and Beijing, and the mountain sun is the Songshan Nature Reserve. The two places jointly protect the mountain and water resources, and combine yin and yang to present a magnificent natural green treasure trove.
West Dazhuangke Village, Zhangshanying Town, Yanqing District, Beijing (located at the northern border of Zhangshanying Town, Yanqing District, Beijing and Chicheng County, Hebei Province)
Opening hours
All day (Every day from January 1st to December 31st, Monday to Sunday)
Public transportation: Take bus 919 from Beijing De Sheng Men Jian Lou North directly to Yanqing Bus Station, which takes about 90 minutes without traffic jams. Then find a local driver to take you to Da Hai Tuo Village, Yan Jia Ping, and Xi Da Zhuang Ke, which are respectively about 80, 140, and 160 yuan for one-way journey based on the distance. You can bargain with the driver. Tips: As it is a mountain road, for safety reasons, it is not recommended to have more than six people. Self-driving: Take the Beijing-Tibet Expressway (now Jingzang Expressway), and pass Zhang Shan Ying Town on G110 to Yanqing. After seeing the sign pointing to Songshan Park, turn right towards Songshan, and keep driving until passing Yan Jia Ping Ya Kou and going downhill to Jiang Zhuang Zi Village. Turn right at the intersection ahead, and drive a short distance to Da Hai Tuo Village to arrive at the destination.