The first step to stay away from haze is to take a leisurely walk in the fragrant flower sea of Beijing's Xiangshan

1 cities | 4 attraction(s) | total distance 8 km
The magnolias have already bloomed, and romantic cherry blossoms, charming peach blossoms, and graceful tulips are also brewing one after another, inviting people to go for a spring outing and enjoy the flowers.

Day1: Beijing

2 attraction(s) · 6 km
Fragrant Hills Park, with a history of nearly 900 years, was built in the 26th year of Jin Dynasty's Dading era. As early as the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the royal family built palaces and mansions in Fragrant Hills, and the emperor would come here for hunting and enjoying the cool in summer and autumn. Fragrant Hills Temple was once the crown of temples in the western part of Beijing. In the 10th year of Qing Emperor Qianlong's reign (1745), it was renovated with great efforts and became famous for its 28 scenic spots in the city, and the emperor named it Jingyi Garden. Among the famous "Three Mountains and Five Gardens" in the western suburbs of Beijing, Fragrant Hills Park occupies one mountain (Fragrant Hills) and one garden (Jingyi Garden).

Day2: Beijing

2 attraction(s) · 2 km
The Wofosi Temple, also known as the "Ten Directions Universal Enlightenment Temple," is located at the southern foot of the Shouniushan Mountain in the north of the Xishan Mountains and on the east side of the Fragrant Hills, 30 kilometers away from the city center of Beijing. The temple was built in the Tang Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Zhongzong (627-649), originally called Douluo Temple, also known as Shou'an Temple. Throughout history, the temple was demolished and rebuilt, and the name of the temple was also changed according to the dynasties. After it was rebuilt in the 12th year of Qing Emperor Yongzheng (1734), it was renamed as the Universal Enlightenment Temple. Because there was a sandalwood carved reclining Buddha in the temple during the Tang Dynasty, and later a huge bronze statue of Shakyamuni Nirvana was cast in the temple during the Yuan Dynasty, people now generally refer to this temple as the "Wofosi Temple."
2 km