
Shangri-La County, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture


Shangri-La is a place known as the "high mountain garden," "kingdom of flora and fauna," and "kingdom of non-ferrous metals." It is located 315 kilometers north along the Dian-Tibetan Highway from Dali, and can be reached by a 50-minute plane ride from Kunming, which is 659 kilometers away. Shangri-La has 24 famous tourist attractions and is an area rich in natural and cultural landscapes, making it one of the eight major golden tourism routes in the country. Located on the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, at the northern end of the southern section of the Hengduan Mountains, it is the hinterland of the "confluence of three rivers," forming a unique landscape that combines snow mountains, gorges, grasslands, high mountain lakes, primitive forests, and ethnic customs. The total land area of ​​Diqing Prefecture is 23,870 square kilometers. It is bordered by Chamdo District in Tibet to the north, and is adjacent to Garze Tibetan and Liangshan Yi autonomous prefectures in Sichuan to the east. It is connected to Lijiang and Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefectures in Yunnan to the south and west. The Shangri-La Scenic Area has continuous snow-capped mountains, with the towering and magnificent Kawa Gebo Peak as the highest peak in Yunnan Province. In the county of Shangri-La, there are 470 snow-capped mountains above 4000 meters above sea level, with deep and zigzagging gorges, including the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge on the Jinsha River and the gorges of the Lancang River. There are also vast grassland pastures, vast primitive forests, and numerous high mountain lakes.
Shangri-La County, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Opening hours
All day
[Car]; The highway is the main way to enter Shangri-La. Due to the long distances between Shangri-La and various scenic spots, as well as weather and road conditions, the departure times of shuttle buses often change. Therefore, before going to the scenic spots, be sure to ask the local station about the transportation situation, including whether there are shuttle buses and whether the roads are easy to travel; 1. Kunming to Shangri-La; The total distance is about 720km, passing through Chuxiong, Dali and other places. Tourists can take a passenger bus from Kunming West Bus Station directly to Shangri-La, with buses available in the morning and evening, with a journey of about 12 hours; 2. Lijiang to Shangri-La; The total distance is about 187km, with buses departing every half an hour from 7:00 to 18:00 daily, with additional buses during peak season. The fare of regular express is 74 yuan, and the fare of high-speed express is 86 yuan. The journey takes 4-5 hours. Lijiang Bus Terminal phone: 0888-512162, 5121106; 3. Dali to Shangri-La; The total distance is about 300km, taking about 8 hours, with high-speed buses during the day and night buses starting from 16:00. Take a bus at Dali North Bus Station (Xiaguan Yuhua Road), with a ticket price of 85 yuan; 4. Panzhihua in Sichuan to Shangri-La; The total distance is about 470km. Panzhihua (Jinjiang) Long-distance Bus Station has several buses to Shangri-La every day, with a sleeper ticket price of 130 yuan; 5. Daocheng and Xiangcheng in Sichuan to Shangri-La; The distance from Daocheng to Shangri-La is about 300km. It crosses the Daxue Mountain and Xiaoxue Mountain on the way, and you can see the Shangri-La Grand Canyon. The road conditions in the Sichuan section are better than those in the Yunnan section, but it will be snowed and closed in winter, so it is better not to take this road. If you take a bus, there are shuttle buses basically every day during the tourist season, with a journey of about 12 hours and a reference fare of 100 yuan. There are shuttle buses almost every day from Xiangcheng to Daocheng, with a journey of about 7-8 hours and a reference fare of 55 yuan. There is one shuttle bus from Shangri-La to Daocheng every day, departing at 7:30 in the morning. The ticket price is 109 yuan (including insurance). If there are many people, there is an additional bus at 8:30 in the morning; 6. Lhasa in Tibet to Shangri-La; You need to pass through Changdu, Mangkang, Deqin to reach Shangri-La, which is very hard. The total distance is about 1700km. It takes about 3 days and 2 nights from Shangri-La to Lhasa, arriving at around 19:00 on the third day, with a ticket price of 680 yuan; [Plane]; Diqing Airport is one of the largest airports in northwest Yunnan. The airport is only 4 kilometers away from Shangri-La County. Flights from Shangri-La to Kunming, Chengdu, and Lhasa are now available.