Mount Emei - One Thread Sky, A Glimpse of Sky Between Cliffs

Emeishan Scenic Area, Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province (about 1 kilometer away from Qingyin Pavilion)
"The scenery is very beautiful."


The narrow passage in the Heilongjiang Canyon is located west of Qingyinge. The narrowest part is only three meters wide, which can only accommodate two people passing by side by side. Once you enter the canyon, looking up, the towering cliffs on both sides are like a big mountain split open, allowing you to see that thin line in the blue sky through the dense vines and branches. Continuing down the path, you can reach the monkey area. Along the way, passing through Qingyinge, the narrow passage, and the ecological monkey area, this road is said to be the most beautiful section of Mount Emei.
Emeishan Scenic Area, Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province (about 1 kilometer away from Qingyin Pavilion)
Opening hours
07:00-17:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)
Follow the plank road along the stream and walk about 20 minutes from Qingyin Pavilion, or walk about 15 minutes along the plank road from the ecological monkey area.