Qu Shui Garden, A Quintessence of Exquisite Jiangnan Gardens

612 Park Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
The scenery in the park belongs to the Jiangnan style of Chinese gardens


Qushui Garden is located at 650 Park Road, Qingpu Chengxiang Town, Shanghai. It was first built in the tenth year of the Qing Dynasty's Qianlong era (1745) as a spiritual garden for the City God's Temple. It is said that in order to build the garden, each resident in the city was asked to donate one coin, hence its nickname "Yiwen Garden." In the third year of the Jiaqing era (1798), it was renamed Qushui Garden because it is located next to Dayingpu and the name means "flowing cups in meandering waters." Over the past two centuries, Qushui Garden has gone through several periods of rise and fall. Qushui Garden faces north as a whole, covering an area of 30 acres (1.82 hectares), with water accounting for 15%. The buildings in the garden are mainly made of blue tiles, white walls, and blue bricks, and are known for their delicate and elegant simplicity. The plants in the garden are mainly bamboo. Qushui Garden is divided into four scenic areas: the West Garden is dominated by buildings, with magnificent pavilions and quiet courtyards; the Middle Garden is known for its landscapes, with towering peaks and clear ponds; the East Garden is famous for its wildness, with open fields and lush flowers and trees; and the Calligraphy and Art Garden is renowned for its antiquity, with stone drums standing and inscriptions filling the corridors.
612 Park Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
Opening hours
06:00-17:00 (all day)
Last entry at 16:30 (Monday-Sunday from May 1 to October 6) 06:00-16:30 (all day)
Last entry at 16:00 (Monday-Sunday from October 7 to April 30 of the following year)
No. 36 Songshan Road to Qingpu County town, from 5:45 to 17:00, via Hu Zhu line.