Anse Source d'Argent, Spectacular granite boulders and serene waters

Anse Union, Allée Kersley, La Digue, Seychelles
Definitely the most unique beach in Seychelles


Radig Island is located in the southwest and is famous for its pleasant beaches and spectacular giant stone scenery. The sand is slightly coarse, and the water depth is only 1 meter within 30 meters of the beach, making it perfect for snorkeling enthusiasts. The beach is free, but there is a park at the entrance, so a fee of 100 rupees per person is required.
Anse Union, Allée Kersley, La Digue, Seychelles
Opening hours
9am to 5pm in the afternoon (times may vary seasonally)
It takes around 15 minutes to ride a bike from the pier, but it may take one hour to walk.