Meizhou Island

Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province


Meizhou Island is a rare tourist resort with unique coastal scenery and natural resources. It features blue sky, turquoise sea, sunshine and beaches, presenting a truly romantic coastal painting. Meizhou Island is also known as "the southern Penglai". It is a national AAAA-level tourist scenic spot with more than 30 exciting attractions, including the Meiyu Chao Yin, the "Oriental Hawaii" Jiubaolun Golden Beach, and the "Small Stone Forest" Ewe Weird Rock. In addition, the Mazu Ancestral Temple attracts nearly 200 million Mazu believers. During the lunar March 23rd and September 9th, when pilgrimage and tourism reach an unprecedented peak, the entire island is hailed as the "Eastern Mecca".
Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province