Huashan Scenic Area

Huashan Town, Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province


Mount Huashan is located in Huayin City, Weinan, Shaanxi Province. It is renowned both nationally and internationally for its beautiful scenery and challenging trails. As one of the Five Great Mountains, it is strategically positioned at the gateway to the northern regions of China. With abundant resources, unique landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, it is considered a sacred site for the Taoist Quanzhen sect and worshipped by the Han Chinese as the god of Mount Huashan. Mount Huashan has 72 perilous caves and over 20 Taoist temples, including Yuquan Temple, Dulong Temple, Dongdao Temple, and Zhenyue Palace, which are recognized as key Taoist temples in the country. The name "Huashan" has various origins, but generally, it is said that the mountain's peaks resemble blooming flowers, hence the name "Huashan."
Huashan Town, Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province
Opening hours
West Gate: open all day West Peak Cableway (Taihua Cableway): peak season 07:00-19:00, off-season 08:30-17:00 North Peak Cableway (Santé Cableway): peak season 07:00-19:00, off-season 09:00-17:00