Laozhanggou, A paradise for off-road enthusiasts

Guyeon County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
Unique scenery


Laozhanggou is located at the border between Hebei and Inner Mongolia, and is the source of Miyun Baihe. The continuous mountain ranges, vertical and horizontal canyons, fresh air and magnificent scenery make it an ideal summer resort and camping stargazing site. Jinlian Mountain Villa is a famous scenic spot in Laozhanggou, where there are blooming golden lotus flowers, rushing springs and beautiful scenery in summer. The most popular activity there is off-road crossing, which requires certain driving skills and an off-road vehicle to handle the difficulty of the route.
Guyeon County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province
Opening hours
All day (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)
Laozhanggou is located in Guyuan County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, 200 kilometers southeast of Beijing and 50 kilometers north of Guyuan County. It can only be reached by self-driving or chartering. 1. Starting from Beijing, take G6 (Jingzang Expressway) and continue westward (about 80 km) to Sha Cheng Kou and exit the expressway. After exiting the highway, take 241 Provincial Road, go through Chicheng and arrive at Xiaochang (about 150 km). After that, drive south from Xiaochang to X404 road to Fengyuandian. After 25 kilometers, you will arrive at Laozhanggou. 2. From Changping, take S212 and pass by Shisanling Town, Yanshou Town, Dazhuangke Township, Yongning Town, and Xiangying Township to the north of Baihebao Reservoir. Turn north onto S309 to Qianjiadian Town, pass Qianjiadian Bridge and take X002 to Huapen Village. Then take X404 through Dongmao Town, Dongwankou Township, Baicao Township (the section from Batuying Bridge to Baicao Town is the same as X404 and G112), and sendaochuan Township to Laozhanggou. P.S. Off-road vehicles are recommended for driving, and other vehicles should proceed with caution and drive slowly.