Zhuji Wuxie Scenic Area, A Quintet of Cascading Waterfalls Amidst Verdant Splendor

The scenery is very beautiful


"The 'Xie' here refers to a waterfall. The entire scenic area includes five main attractions: Wu Xie Lake, Tao Yuan, Dong Yuan, and Xi Yuan Gorges. The biggest highlight is a five-stage waterfall. Wu Xie presents different beautiful scenery in different seasons. In the summer, visitors can enjoy water activities, while in the autumn, they can admire the red leaves. In early winter, they can appreciate the ginkgo trees. During the summer, visitors can experience a refreshing and pleasant feeling in the waterfall area, making it a great place to escape the heat. Dong Yuan is the most representative part of the scenery. In front of Wu Xie Temple, there is an ancient ginkgo tree that is thousands of years old, which is a unique sight in the Wu Xie scenic area. Going from bottom to top, there are the fifth to the first waterfall. In contrast, Xi Yuan and Dong Yuan present completely different landscapes. The damp mountain roads and fast-flowing streams create a particularly fresh and peaceful feeling, which is completely different from the magnificent scenery and thunderous sound of Dong Yuan Gorge."
Take the No.157 or No.57 bus to the Wuxie Scenic Area Station and walk to the destination.