Tianhe Mountain (Love Mountain)

Xingtai County, Xingtai City, Qingquan Village, Bai'an Township, Tianhe Mountain Scenic Area


Tianhe Mountain is a famous mountain in China, located in Xingtai City, Hebei Province. It is a national 4A-level scenic area with a total area of ​​30 square kilometers. Tianhe Mountain is known for its unique peaks, lush vegetation, clear springs, and abundant water sources. It is also called the "Taixing Water Village" and the "Cloud Top Grassland." Tianhe Mountain is widely known for the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and has a large number of cultural relics. In 2005, Tianhe Mountain was registered as the "Chinese Love Mountain" by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In 2006, it was named the "Qixi" Culture Research Base by the Chinese Folklore Society and the "Hometown of Chinese Qixi Culture" by the Chinese Folk Artists Association. The area around Tianhe Mountain has been inhabited by humans since the Neolithic Age. During the Anti-Japanese War, Tianhe Mountain was one of the main bases of the Eighth Route Army. Revolutionary sites such as the 129th Division Hospital and the Jinan Bank (predecessor of the People's Bank of China) are well-preserved. In 2015, the first mountain ski resort in the Central Plains region of China, Tianhe Mountain Ice and Snow World, was completed.
Xingtai County, Xingtai City, Qingquan Village, Bai'an Township, Tianhe Mountain Scenic Area
Opening hours
24/7 open