Shangougou Scenic Area

65 Xiahuyu Village, Luniao Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


Hangzhou Shangougou Scenic Area is located in Luniao Town, Yuhang District, 40 kilometers northwest of Hangzhou, known as the "Hometown of Zhejiang Honey Pear". It is a national-level biosphere reserve. The scenic area is rich in resources, with excellent ecological environment and abundant species of plants and animals, including the national rare plant Millennium Redwood and the national first-class protected animal Black Musk Deer. The surrounding mountains are verdant, with a vegetation coverage rate of 95%, forming a unique "leisure type" climate environment different from the surrounding area.
65 Xiahuyu Village, Luniao Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Opening hours