Bamboo Spring Village Tourist Resort, A serene retreat amidst bamboo and springs

Zhuzhong Village, Tongjing Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province
The small village is well-maintained


Zhuquan Village is located in the northern part of Yinan County, Shandong Province, China, covering an area of approximately 1800 acres with a population of 469 people. During the Yuan and Ming dynasties, the village was known as "Quanshang Village" and was only renamed "Zhuquan Village" during the Qing Dynasty. It is a rare ancient village in the northern region, centered around springs and bamboo groves, with villagers living in houses built from stone, close to clear streams, and growing fruits and vegetables. This is a traditional Fengshui treasure land in China, with Yuhuang Mountain, Shilong Mountain, Fenghuangling, Xiangshan River, and vast fields located nearby. The water source for Zhuquan Village comes from the springs, with many bamboo groves along the water, which the villagers refer to as "Zhuquan". The spring water is constant temperature all year round and contains more than ten trace elements beneficial to the human body. It has been certified to meet the national standard for drinking natural mineral water. Residents who drink this water are healthy and long-lived. The village has at least a history of 400 years, with the surname Gao being the mainstream surname in the area, followed by Zhao. Gao Mingheng, the Right Assistant Minister of the Ministry of War in the Ming Dynasty, and Gao Jiong, the honorary guest of the Hengwang Mansion in Qingzhou, have both built villas here to enjoy the family joys. Zhuquan Village is known for its beautiful and spiritual bamboo groves and springs. The area relies on sightseeing, leisure vacations, and business conferences as its core, providing comprehensive tourism and vacation experiences such as sightseeing, leisure, accommodation, dining, meetings, vacations, entertainment, and development.
Zhuzhong Village, Tongjing Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (all day)
Last entry time: 17:30 (Mon-Sun, Aug 1-Oct 30) 08:00-17:00 (all day)
Last entry time: 16:00 (Mon-Sun, Dec 1- Dec 31) Tips: Additional information: Free admission groups need to purchase insurance for 10 yuan/person/scenic spot and do not include entertainment projects in the scenic area (please bring your ID to the ticket office to purchase). Tourists who qualify for discounts, please bring your valid ID to the scenic area ticket window to handle relevant ticket purchase and free ticket procedures. Free ticket customers also need to purchase separate sightseeing car tickets.