Lushunkou Scenic Area

Dalian Lvshunkou District is located at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula, bordering the Yellow Sea to the east and the Bohai Sea to the west


Lushunkou is located at the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula. It faces the Yellow Sea to the east, the Bohai Sea to the west, and is adjacent to downtown Dalian to the north. The scenic area of Lushunkou includes many famous scenic spots in the Lushunkou area, such as Baiyu Mountain, Lushun Port, the former site of the Russo-Japanese Prison, and Laotieshan Mountain. It is a famous tourist attraction in Dalian.
Dalian Lvshunkou District is located at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula, bordering the Yellow Sea to the east and the Bohai Sea to the west