Yangjiajie, Awe-inspiring peaks, a hiker's paradise

Zhangjiajie Forest Park, located in Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province
Arrived at Yangjiajie by sightseeing bus in the scenic area


There are three scenic areas in the northwest region of Wulingyuan, namely, Xiangzhi Creek, Longquan Gorge, and Baihou Valley. Xiangzhi Creek is located in the eastern part of Yangjiajie Scenic Area, with a small stream flowing in the middle and towering peaks on both sides. Longquan Gorge is full of stone peaks and clear streams, creating a deep and interesting atmosphere. Baihou Valley is the home of macaques and egrets, with monkey groups jumping and jumping between the steep cliffs, while egrets nest in the green branches and leaves. Visiting Yangjiajie, you will appreciate unique scenery, including famous attractions such as Wulong Village and Tianbo Mansion, which also incorporate the history of banditry and the legend of bandit suppression. Here, you can gain a deeper understanding of the customs and traditions of western Hunan. There are over 200 scenic spots worth visiting, such as "Step into the Sky", "Air Corridor", and "Meeting with Regret".
Zhangjiajie Forest Park, located in Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province
Visit the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, typically by taking the park's eco-friendly shuttle bus (included in the admission ticket) to the Longfeng An Lower Station. After a walk of about 10 minutes, arrive at the Longfeng An Upper Station and take the shuttle bus to the Zhangjiajie cable car lower station. Then, take the cable car to the mountain top (cable car upper station). After visiting these areas, take the eco-friendly shuttle bus at the intersection of Zhangjiajie to reach the Yuanjiajie Scenic Area.