Less crowded and beautiful hidden gems in Yunnan province

Every holiday, destinations of all sizes in Yunnan become lively. But if you prefer tranquility, don't like crowded places, and want to find a place to empty your mind, you can take a look at these less crowded and beautiful hidden gems in Yunnan.

Bingzhongluo Scenic Area

Bingzhongluo is a primitive village in Gongshan County, Nujiang Prefecture. It is the core area of the Three Parallel Rivers and a famous tourist attraction in Nujiang Prefecture. From the Bingzhongluo viewing platform, you can see the panoramic view of the First Bend of the Nujiang River. You can also climb the Gongdang Sacred Mountain to get an unobstructed view of the Bingzhongluo Basin and the magnificent First Bend of the Nujiang River.

Shaxi Town

Shaxi Ancient Town is a very quiet place. Although its fame has grown in recent years and the number of tourists has increased significantly, it has always maintained its tranquility.

Bisezhai Village

Located in Mengzi County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan, it is named after the station. It is a European-style border town in Yunnan, historically known as 'Little Hong Kong' and 'Little Paris'. The Bisezhai Station on the ridge became famous due to the movie 'Youth' and is a key tourist destination in the village.


The world-famous Qianjiazhai Ancient Tea Tree King Scenic Area is located here. Among the tens of thousands of acres of wild tea tree communities in Qianjiazhai, there is the largest wild tea tree (Shangba No. 1) with a height of 25.6 meters and a chest diameter of 0.89 meters. According to experts, this tree is 2700 years old, making it the largest and oldest wild tea tree discovered so far in the world, and it is honored with the beautiful title of 'Wild Tea King Tree'.

Tengchong Volcanic Geothermal National Geological Park

With 97 volcanoes, Tengchong is the best destination to explore volcanic landforms. Among them, Tengchong's Volcanic Geological Park is an excellent place to appreciate volcanic geological features.

Yuanyang Rice Terraces Scenic Area

The Yuanyang Rice Terraces have a history of over 1200 years. They are vast in scale and are praised as 'China's most beautiful mountain carving'.