Undeveloped niche attractions in Yunnan suitable for self-driving tours, hurry up and go early!

Yunnan has always been a popular travel destination, but besides the well-known tourist attractions, what are some off-the-beaten-path sights worth visiting?

Nianhu (Jump into the Reservoir)

The original name of Nianhu was a name with a distinctive characteristic of the times, called "Jumping forward Reservoir." Nianhu has become the first choice for tourists in recent years to photograph the Black-necked Crane here. The formation of this highland lake has changed the local climate and resource environment, making it a wetland over time. The entire Nianhu is vast with clear blue water, without any embankments or bridges, and the fragrance of grass is everywhere. The long reeds on the river banks grow thickly and divide the lake. Occasionally, you can hear the sound of "gugga, gugga" from the deep part of the lake, which is the celebration of the Black-necked Crane. From November to the next March, there are more than 1,000 national treasure-class rare birds, including the Black-necked Crane, Bar-headed Goose, Grey Crane, Mandarin Duck, Canglu, and nearly 20 other bird species, with a total of more than 30,000 birds, coming here to spend the winter every year, making it an essential sanctuary for winter tourism.
The Thousand Lakes we mentioned refer to the group of high mountain lakes distributed on average above 4000 meters above sea level. The lakes are surrounded by primitive forests, and around June each year, patches of azaleas bloom endlessly, making people feel as if they are in a fairy tale world. This undeveloped scenic spot is about 50 kilometers from Shangri-La, but due to the rugged mountain roads, it takes 3-4 hours to reach the most beautiful spot, the Bi Gu Tian Chi. The movie 'The Promise' was filmed here, and it has also attracted a lot of attention due to environmental damage.

Dulong River

The Dulong River Gorge is shrouded in mystery due to its unique terrain, landforms, and isolation. Before the road was opened in 1999, local people could only hike over mountains and hills, and even had to walk day and night for 2-3 days. Every winter, the snow would block the road for up to six months, making it a unique secret. The best time to visit is in September, when the rainy season has just passed, there is less rain, and the snow has melted, with lush vegetation and clear water in the Dulong River and Pula River (which turns yellow during heavy rain), making for pleasant scenery. At this time, there are not too many poisonous snakes, locusts, or venomous insects, which is very beneficial for hikers.

Dashanbao Black-necked Crane Nature Reserve

The best time to visit Dashanbao is from early August to early October in the autumn and winter season. The mountain is covered with flowers, oats, and fragrant grass, layer upon layer, with bright colors, decorating Dashanbao into a dreamlike world. In the two reservoirs of the mountain, you can see flocks of black-necked cranes foraging and nesting by the lake in winter. Dashanbao is known as 'Little Tibet', just the vast and endless fields of cacti will make you feel as if you have arrived on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Yuanmou Earth Forest

In November, Yuanmou, where you can still wear short sleeves, is a famous 'small stove' in Yunnan Province, but its tourism is not very popular, only a small number of photography enthusiasts and museum enthusiasts will come for the Yuanmou forest and Yuanmou people. Soil erosion is a special landform, with a large area of soil erosion here, generally 8-25 meters high, with the largest being 42.8 meters. The color of the soil columns is mainly reddish-brown, yellow, and gray, with rich colors and various shapes. Under the shining sun, wearing a golden red coat, it looks like a magnificent palace.

Wuliang Mountain Cherry Blossom Valley Flavor Garden

In one night, it seems that the cherry blossom valley in Nanjian has appeared. If it weren't for a few photography enthusiasts who took pictures of the cherry blossom valley and posted them online, no one would know that there is a beautiful cherry blossom valley hidden in the remote mountainous area of Nanjian. Five years ago, five Taiwanese businessmen bought a tea mountain called 'Dean Tea Plantation' and planted oolong tea and Tieguanyin. In order to shade these tea trees and add natural floral fragrance to the tea, a batch of winter cherry blossoms were planted in the tea garden, but they never expected to create such a unique scenery.

Dongchuan Red Land

Due to the rich mineral content such as iron oxide, the soil in Dongchuan presents a bright red color, and the area of more than 20 square kilometers is all red terraces, which is spectacular! From September to December is the best photography season for the red soil. Some of the red land is waiting to be plowed and planted, and some of the red land has already been planted with green plants such as wheat. At this time, the unique white rapeseed flowers of Yunnan have also bloomed, and the rich colors combined with the ever-changing light and shadow of the plateau are like a watercolor painting.