Nanchang must-visit food store

Nanchang is known for its main cuisine, Gan cuisine, which is predominantly fresh and spicy, with a crispy and tender texture, and delicious flavor. Rice is the staple food. Meat options include pork, beef, fish, chicken, duck, and goose.

Lao Wu Diner

Steamed kidney soup is a must-order dish at every table. It is steamed in a large bowl with a steam pot, much bigger than regular soup bowls. The kidney is cut into halves for easier consumption. It is cleaned thoroughly and has a tender and bouncy texture.

Long Lao Wu Soup Shop

Canned soup is a nationwide rumor. Long Laowu Soup Shop, located on the right side of Shengjinta Scenic Area, West Road before the bus station, mainly caters to tourists and is relatively more expensive compared to other places in Nanchang, seemingly targeting out-of-town visitors.

Lao San Soup Shop

San San Yuan is a must-visit noodle shop that offers delectable dishes including dried radishes, scallions, secret garlic sauce, chili sauce, soy sauce, and sesame oil. The mixture is evenly combined, smooth, and has a great texture and taste.

Hu Ji Lao Nanchang beer duck mixed with noodles

Nanchang Beer Duck Rice Noodle is a well-known fast food brand in Nanchang, mainly offering noodles and rice as the main dishes. It also has a variety of product lines including soups and beverages. The signature dish is Beer Duck Rice Noodle, which is a traditional local snack in Nanchang.

Xiao Cheng Pancake

Nanchang's most famous - generally have to queue to buy pancakes. Meicai pancake sells the best. Some people come here and usually buy one for 20 yuan, which is very affordable. However, the shop doesn't have seats, and the environment is average.

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