10 stunning volcanoes in Indonesia, the best choices for adventurers

The Pacific Ring of Fire is the most active earthquake zone on Earth, stretching 40,000 kilometers in a horseshoe shape. Indonesia, located in this area, has a large number of volcanoes, which are not only the most exquisite but also the most dynamic. For adventurous tourists, these stunning volcanoes are worth a visit. Here are ten recommended volcano attractions in Indonesia.

Linjani volcano

Gunung Rinjani is the second-highest volcano in Indonesia, located in the beautiful paradise island of Lombok. The stunning nature surrounding the mountain range has attracted both local and international visitors, even for short hikes on the hills. However, unmatched beauty awaits those who are determined to summit the mountain. At the summit lies a beautiful volcanic crater lake named Segara Anak, with breathtaking blue waters and lush green vegetation on the surrounding mountains.
"Bromo Volcano is an active volcano located within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, 140 kilometers from Surabaya City in Indonesia. It is praised as one of the most spectacular sights in Indonesia, with a daunting terrain that resembles the surface of the moon. The Tengger crater of the volcano has a huge diameter of 10 kilometers, and its steep mountain stands on a vast plain of lava sand (locally known as the "Sea of ​​Sand"). The Bromo volcano (altitude 2329 meters) towers above the crater and is the soul of the entire plateau. This desolate area gives people a feeling of the end of the world, especially during sunrise, which is particularly breathtaking."
Semeru is the highest peak in Java Island and the third highest peak in Indonesia, among the impressive volcanoes conquered in Indonesia. Its natural features will not disappoint, with vast meadows, captivating slopes, beautiful freshwater lakes, and fields of Brazilian pepper on the summit. Hiking this mountain could be dangerous depending on volcanic activity, so it is best to check its status before starting the journey.

Gunung Merapi

Merapi language is the "volcano" among local dialects and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. There was a major eruption recently, but since then the mountain has been relatively calm, and visitors can hike up to the edge of the volcano. Tourists can also explore the ancient civilization ruins that once lived around the volcano before the last eruption. Today, some parts of the mountain are a popular geographical tourist destination, as well as a conservation and educational site.
Mount Kerinci is the highest volcano peak in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra. At the summit, visitors can enjoy infinite views of surrounding cities and even the Indian Ocean. It has a huge volcanic crater and a sparkling green water near a clear marsh lake called Bento. But perhaps the most anticipated charm of this mountain is its flourishing wildlife. Mount Kerinci is a natural habitat for protected Sumatran tigers and rhinos as well as other bird and wildlife species.

Tambora volcano

The Gunung Tambora volcano, located in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, was the largest volcano eruption in recorded history. Its eruption could be heard over 2000 kilometers away and caused "the year without a summer" worldwide, leaving behind an impressive natural landmark - a giant caldera that stretches 7 kilometers wide. Since the eruption, Tambora has been relatively calm and safe for trekking. The top ten volcano attractions described above are the best choices for adventure enthusiasts, as they will not disappoint.


One of the most popular sunrise spots in Bali, this mountain hiking trail is often crowded with tourists. Despite reaching a height of 1,717 meters, it can be completed in less than three hours. The Mount Batur Hotel is located on one of the world's largest volcanic craters, surrounded by beautiful natural scenery of its sister peaks. In addition to the cool mountain air and stunning "double volcano" view, visitors will also enjoy the magnificent views of Mount Abang in the background.
Mount Agung is an active volcano located in the eastern part of Bali, with an altitude of 3142 meters. It is the highest peak and sacred mountain of Bali. There are many temples on the mountain, with Pura Besakih as the main temple which is one of the most important temples in Bali. It is built on the mountain and is very spectacular. Visitors can go to the crater to see the traces of the eruption, as well as visit the main temple and engage in mountain climbing activities. The climbing difficulty is high, suitable for travelers with good physical strength who frequently climb mountains, and it is recommended to find a guide to accompany you.

Mount Yi

Hiking through Mount Ijen not only offers breathtaking natural scenery and a refreshing breeze, but also the opportunity to witness the rare blue sulfur flames burning in the volcanic crater. Local and international tourists who trek up the mountain are not disappointed by the extraordinary phenomenon. Visitors can also bring home souvenirs sold by miners on the mountain, such as cute figurines carved from sulfur.

Mount Mobab

Merbabu is one of the most popular hiking destinations in Java, with an elevation of 3,142 meters, which is high enough to cover other mountains visible in the surrounding areas. Hiking the mountain offers visitors beautiful meadows, hills, dense vegetation, and views of other mountains in the background. The peak has five stunning volcanic craters and a huge snowflower field.