Who knows why there is sometimes a small plate with the letter P stuck on the back of Australian cars ? Australia Q&A
Can anyone tell me if you need to put a paper parking permit on your car when parking in Australia? Do the parking garages provide them, or can you make your own ? Australia Q&A
Excuse me, can this vehicle model be driven with a regular private car license plate ? Australia Q&A
What should I do if the front license plate of the car falls off? ? Turkey Q&A
Rented in Munich, but the license plate is Austrian ? Germany Q&A
I wonder if you have to register your license plate number in advance when taking a ferry ? New Zealand Q&A
Also, I would like to ask if the REG NR is the license plate number ? Norway Q&A
How do I buy a ship ticket for a car? Do I need the license plate number or something else ? Greece Q&A
How to use the self-parking machine in Austria? Do I need to enter the license plate number ? Austria Q&A
What should I do if my license plate was impounded by the police in Lisbon ? Spain Q&A
The license plate number will only be known after you get the car. May I know on which website to reserve it? Could you please send me a link? Thank you ? Canada Q&A
Does anyone know whether you need to enter the actual vehicle registration number when booking a ferry trip from the UK to Ireland ? United Kingdom Q&A
What should I do if the parking machine in some unmanned parking lots does not allow me to enter the license plate number when paying ? United Kingdom Q&A
Do I need to rent an electronic toll plate to travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles on Highway 1, and then to Las Vegas ? United States Q&A
How do I enter the license plate number when booking the ferry from Bodø to the Lofoten Islands ? Norway Q&A
I am still in China and want to buy a ferry ticket from Holyhead to Dublin on September 1st. Do I need to enter the license plate number? How should I fill it in ? United Kingdom Q&A
I booked a hotel in Florence in the ZTL area. I asked the front desk, and the handsome gentleman said the hotel would handle it, but he didn't register my license plate or anything. How does he know which car is mine ? Italy Q&A