From Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, plan to stay in Chiang Rai for two days, the first day is the White Temple, the second day is planned to go to Mae Sai, Golden Triangle, and then return to Chiang Mai. Is it in time? What are the suggestions for scenic spots ?

2 Answers

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Three to four days, one is the road is not good to walk, and the other is whether you can reach a certain speed

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Chiang Rai White Temple is nice. Mae Sai Port and Golden Triangle do not have much to see. If you are short on time, you can skip them. From Chiang Rai to Mae Sai and then to Golden Triangle and back to Chiang Rai, one day is enough. There is a temple about less than one kilometer from Mae Sai Port on the left side of the market. You can go up by car and watch the villages on the Thai-Myanmar border from the viewing platform. It is not recommended to go through the Myanmar Port. The two sides of the Myanmar Port are a market, just like small commodities in Yiwu. Golden Triangle is more of a geographical location and there is not much scenery.