Humburger Kunsthalle, A Haven of Artistic Diversity and Historical Depth

Glockengießerwall, 20095 Hamburg
It is one of the most famous art museums in Europe


One of the largest art museums in Germany, covering an area of 20,000 square meters, composed of three modern and avant-garde buildings. The museum houses a variety of exhibits, including painting art from the Gothic period to contemporary times, sculpture art from the 19th and 20th centuries, freehand paintings, prints, watercolor paintings from the Renaissance to the present, as well as coins and medals from ancient Greece and Rome. Works by numerous prominent artists such as Marès, Feuerbach, and Becklin are particularly outstanding. Among them, the Hamburg St. Peter's Church Altar Screen (1379) is one of the most grand and moving works created by the master Bertram. A painting by Rembrandt, "The Jewish Bride in the Temple," represents the Dutch painting of the 17th century. In addition, 19th-century German paintings, including works by the German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich such as "The Sea of Ice" and "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog," as well as works by Philipp Otto Runge, are also highlights of the art museum.
Glockengießerwall, 20095 Hamburg
Opening hours
Take bus 112 to Kunsthalle station.