Popular selected restaurants in Berlin

From the delicious cuisine in star hotels to street snacks all over the place, everything can be found in this city of Berlin. Coupled with the relatively low consumption in Berlin, as long as you find the right place, you can eat enough for just a few euros, which is affordable and satisfying.

Lutter & Wegner Wine Shop

The restaurant has exquisite decoration, excellent service, good food quality, and the prices are lower compared to other restaurants of similar level. As a result, many people come eagerly during meal times, waiting in line to taste the food.
The portion of pork elbow is very generous. If you have a small appetite, you should definitely share it with others. Sometimes the restaurant even has performances to watch. Good wine + delicious food + music, it's simply a joy in life.
The pork knuckle in this restaurant has a unique flavor, not greasy at all, with a satisfying chewiness that doesn't stick to your teeth. It's a favorite among carnivores. I suggest pairing it with a delicious mushroom soup.

LimaLima Café-Bistro

The restaurant is small in size but very popular, often with long queues during mealtime.
Curry sausage is a popular snack in Berlin. It is easy to cook - just sprinkle some curry powder on a sausage smeared with tomato sauce, and you're done. This small shop, which has been open for 30 years, claims to have the best curry sausage in Berlin.