Enjoy the beautiful and less crowded beaches in Italy

Italy is a country rich in culture and cuisine, with many world-famous tourist destinations. When you want to escape the crowded tourist crowds and experience some peaceful and tranquil moments, some of these lesser-known beaches may be just what you need. On these beaches, you can enjoy unique natural scenery and charming coastlines, while also enjoying a leisurely holiday life like the locals.

Liguria Region

The Liguria region boasts a coastline that stretches for 300 kilometers, with beautiful beaches at every estuary. It is also home to Columbus's birthplace and Genoa, one of Italy's two great maritime powers of the past. The region features five beautiful fishing villages and many stunning but less popular beaches. It is an excellent destination for self-driving tours and independent travelers. Due to its rich religious history, visitors can also admire many historic and beautiful monasteries, making it a great place for sightseeing and solitude. Diving enthusiasts should not miss Liguria, as the famous underwater Christ statue is located here.


The beaches of Sicily are a great destination, mainly located in the east, north, and south, such as Syracuse, Taormina, Catania, and Agrigento. Although the eastern region is more famous and crowded during peak season, the northern and southern parts are less frequented by tourists. The beautiful Cotton Beach in Agrigento in the south is like a piece of art, comparable to Turkey's Pamukkale. It is recommended that travelers to Sicily set aside an extra day or two to explore these less populated beaches, as they will surely be pleasantly surprised by the stunning scenery.


The Campania region boasts two prominent names: Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Naples is a major city in the south and a long-standing tourist destination. The Amalfi Coast, especially the town of Positano located at the heart of the coastline, features cliffside towns and a U-shaped bay where people can leisurely enjoy afternoon tea and swim in the crystal-clear waters. Opposite the cliffs is Marina Grande, and the neighboring Fornillo and Laurito beaches of Positano, although part of Positano, are less crowded, making them more spacious and comfortable for visitors.

Baia delle Zagare

Puglia is located in the southeastern part of Italy, resembling the heel of Italy's boot. The most notable feature here is the relatively low number of tourists. Baia delle Zagare is famous in Europe for its two massive sea rocks, similar to Australia's Twelve Apostles. The sea water is clear and emerald green, and there are not many visitors. Another advantage is that you need a pass to enter, so visitors almost have a private beach. You can easily obtain the pass by booking a hotel locally, so no worries!