October, the most refreshing and elegant travel destination recommendation, a great place for a National Day self-drive trip!

The most refreshing and elegant travel destinations of 2020. If you enjoy road trips, then you may consider adding these ten places to your travel list!

Mangdang Mountain

In October, especially this year, Mangdang Mountain hosted a chrysanthemum exhibition during the National Day holiday, attracting people from all over to visit. Visitors come here to explore the world's first stone chamber royal tomb, admire the 'Dunhuang before Dunhuang,' and appreciate the profound and extensive Han civilization. Stepping into the Han courtyard, one can wear Hanfu, practice Han rituals, enjoy Han dances, and feast on Han cuisine, experiencing the lost charm of the Han and Tang dynasties. Wander through the mountains covered in red leaves, observe the continuous Han que towers, listen to the melodious Han music, and marvel at the world's wonders!

Daimai Mountain

Countless passionate creatures are competing to grow, red like fire, yellow like gold, the colorful mountains and fields outline the unique and dreamy autumn scenery of Daimai, attracting many tourists to stop, appreciate, and take photos. Washed by fine rain, embraced by light mist, when the setting sun once again covers this land, it is as if fiery red lips are kissing the majestic Taihang. On the green mountains, the red leaves like fire butterflies dye patches of deep crimson, the vibrant colors brought by the sunlight magically remain on Daimai.

Taihang Grand Canyon Scenic Area

In mid-October, the Linzhou Taihang Grand Canyon is covered in red, with layers of forests dyed in various colors! The entire peak ridge looks like a masterpiece with splashes of paint, resembling a beautiful brocade, captivating everyone! There are many types of trees on the mountain, and different leaves display different colors. When the hawthorn leaves turn golden, the five-pointed maple leaves are already tender yellow with a hint of red, while large patches of persimmon leaves shine with an enticing orange, and the yellow oak at higher altitudes is a deep bright red...

Shenlong Mountain Scenic Area

Every autumn, this place becomes a sea of colors. People praise the red leaves here as the reddest, most fiery, most vivid, and largest. It is said, 'Shennong's red leaves are like half a tree of flowers, better than Xiangshan!' The entire mountain is covered with red leaves, like a blazing fire.


The Guanshan Scenic Area in the southern Taihang Mountains of Xinxiang is renowned for its tranquility and rugged beauty. It is a national geopark characterized by geological formations such as stone pillar forests, Red Stone Gorge, and Yixiantian. The park features landslides, waterfalls, clear streams, serene pools, and sea of clouds. During this time, Guanshan is not only covered in red foliage and vibrant forests but also boasts reflections on the lake, meandering clear streams, and crystal-clear waters. In autumn, Guanshan is a riot of colors, exuding a mesmerizing charm everywhere.
A season of time is a unique Taihang style. Entering Qiugou is like stepping into a fairy tale world. Accustomed to the passionate and unrestrained red leaves of the north and the graceful and shy red leaves of the south, you will surely be captivated by the deep and restrained, majestic and solid red leaves of Qiugou. A fallen leaf colors the autumn, a season of red leaves warms the years. The autumn in southern Taihang of Xinxiang is so charming, with high skies and light clouds, red leaves like fire, redder than spring, and more beautiful than first love.

Jue Mountain Scenic Area

Jue Mountain boasts six wonders, four beauties, and two astonishing sights that leave visitors in awe. The steepness of the twin peaks, the marvel of moon spitting, the beauty of red leaves, the tranquility of the canyon, and the grandeur of the bridge are known as the 'six wonders' of Jue Mountain. The scenery of Jue Mountain varies with the seasons: in spring, it is filled with birdsong and fragrant flowers; in summer, it serves as a summer resort; in autumn, it is adorned with red leaves; and in winter, it is covered in a silver blanket, known as the 'four beauties' of Jue Mountain. The lifelike wonder of Turtle Mountain and the moon spitting wonder of Jue Mountain are referred to as the 'two astonishing sights' of Jue Mountain.

Yellow River Three Gorges Scenic Area

The Three Gorges are rich with autumn hues, offering beautiful scenery in the golden autumn. In October, the Yellow River Three Gorges are covered with red leaves and colorful forests. Traveling to the Yellow River Three Gorges at this time, you will be able to experience the enchanting autumn scenery, where boats sail on the water and people wander in a picturesque landscape.

Shuanglong Bay

When you come here, you don't need to look at how clear the waves are by the boat, nor do you need to see how leisurely the fish swim in the clear water. Just looking at the colorful mountain scenery with its overlapping peaks is enough. In October, following the steps of autumn, let's take a look at the beautiful peaks and waters of Shuanglong Bay, where strength and gentleness coexist. Let's escape the hustle and bustle of the city and embark on a journey to relax our minds!

Baodu Village

In October, the autumn air is crisp and refreshing. It lacks the fervor of spring, the heat of summer, and the chill of winter. Autumn gives a sense of calmness and grace. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. You can gaze at the vast, clear blue sky and the drifting clouds, and the air is filled with the scent of ripening fruits. Strolling through Baodu Village, walking along the stone-paved paths, every ancient house tells a captivating story. There are security bureaus, pawnshops, clinics, taverns, tea houses, and inns, all exuding an antique charm and elegance. It feels like traveling to another time and experiencing a different way of life.